analog information

Acronym Name Description

AMPS Advanced Mobile Phone System AMP's was developed by Bell Labs in the late 1970's and was released in the USA in 1983. It uses the 800MHz band and is currently the largest Analog standard used.

C450 C-450 Installed in South Africa during the late 1980's. Uses a 450MHz band.

C-Netz C-Netz Launched first in 1981 in Sweden by the Comvik network, found mainly in Germany and Austria.

JTAC Japanese Total Access Communications System Motorola system similar to AMPS. First installed in the UK in 1985. Utilises the 900MHz band.

HICAP NTT-HICAP High capacity version of NTT

N-AMPS Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone Systems Developed by Motorola as a migrationary step between Analog and Digital. Three times the capacity of AMPS utilising the same band.

NMT450 Nordic Mobile Technologies Developed by Ericsson and Nokia to operate in the rugged terrain in the Nordic countries. Range 25km. Utilises the 450MHz band and uses FDD FDMA.

NMT900 Nordic Mobile Technologies Developed by Ericsson and Nokia to operate in the rugged terrain in the Nordic countries. Range 25km. Utilises the 900MHz band and uses FDD FDMA.

NMT-F Nordic Mobile Technologies - France French version of NMT

NTT Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Original Japanese Analog system.

RC2000 Radiocom 2000 French System released in November 1985

TACS Total Access Communications System Motorola system similar to AMPS. First installed in the UK in 1985. Utilises the 900MHz band.